Merry Christmas
Happy Hanukah
Eid Mubarak
Winter Solstice
Boxing Day
Santa Claus
Season’s Greetings
Happy Holidays
These are just a few greetings for this time of year. I’d like to preface today’s blog with my
apologies ahead of time. My intention is
NEVER to offend. But I have the feeling
that I may hurt a few feelings or just ruffle a few feathers. But please hear me out before you judge.
I hate… I mean HATE… all the spams I get regarding any
greeting other than Merry Christmas.
First reason… I hate redundancy.
Redundancy because I’d say about 70-80% of the people I know espouse
that we should be stating Merry Christmas in honor of the birth of Christ. Well… Christ wasn’t born on December 25, but
I totally get the symbolism. I grew up
Roman Catholic. WE get the
symbolism. That being said, how many
people do I know that aren’t even practicing Christians and just shout out that
sentiment? I don’t mean those of you
that truly do live within the boundaries of the 10 commandments and actually
practice what they preach. I respect you guys. I’m referring to all my other
acquaintances, friends and even… just maybe…. Family. Sorry…
I don’t know about you, but I was raised that my religion
was the religion above all. That there
is only one person above me, my mom/dad and my grandparents. That was God himself. But… I don’t know about you guys, but I was
also taught that God is all forgiving and loves all His creatures: regardless of
the size, shape, creed, color, taste in music, style in clothes and sexual
preferences. Okay… so I may be adlibbing
a bit, but you get the picture.
I was brought up by strong catholic women in my life who
taught me to treat everybody as equals – until they do you wrong – and even
then, still love and forgive them. By my
dad, I was taught to learn about other religions and be open to other ways of
thinking. This combination may have
screwed me up a bit… but that’s another conversation for another day. LOL…
So… If we should love and respect others, why can’t we
celebrate all the different “holidays” in December equally? I try
to acknowledge all the holidays individually, but I’ve resorted to saying Happy
Holidays and now am made to feel guilty about it. I shouldn’t.
So stop pushing the spam down my throat.
I do have friends that are from all over the world and have varying
religions or outlooks on life. Please allow
me to respect their celebrations, by respecting my greetings. So regardless, wether you celebrate the birth of
Christ, Old Saint Nick, Santa Claus, Hanakuh, Kwanzaa, Eid Mubarak, Winter
Solstice or don’t even celebrate, when I say Happy Holidays, just smile and say
your greeting back at me with love and sincerity behind the words, not as a venomous lesson.